Tuesday, March 22, 2011

36 Weeks

Alright we are getting close here. I am 36 weeks today so 4 more weeks in counting. I keep hearing that people usually go over with their first baby but the farther along I get the more convinced I am that this little guy is going to show up early. I am getting BIG. You may not think so but I am for sure feeling it. My ankles, feet, fingers, legs and pretty much everything else has started to get very poofy. I am not having fun sleeping at all. I waddle around everywhere. And it takes me like 4 times longer to do things like get up off the couch or walk around the grocery store. Anyhow I think he is going to come before April 19th. We will see though. We just have a few last minute touches until his cute room is done. And a few more things to get but for the most part we are fully ready for him to come. WOO HOO!


  1. Hang in there Courtney! These last weeks are always the hardest for me too. I hope he comes at least a few days early-I never made it to my due date with any of my 4, so early is possible. Keep us posted.

  2. I can't believe it's time and that he is almost here! I'm super excited! You are going to be the best momma ever! And I'm so glad your time is finally here... you deserve it babe! You are looking so cute and yes, a little big! :) Love you lots Court!

  3. I do hope for your sake that you have him earlier than the 19th but just be prepared if he decides to be stubborn! Good luck this next month. You will probably feel every emotion possible and the best one will be when you see you little boy for the first time and all the firsts you guys will have with him. NOTHING can ever replace those feelings! Love ya!
