Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Pregnant

Ok so this is going to be a boring post so you don't have to read it. I keep saying I am going to start a baby journal to write down my feeling on being pregnant so far. But I have not so I want to write a few of my thoughts before I forget them.
So about at 6 weeks of being pregnant I started to get really really sick. It unfortunately started on a weekend so I went about 3 days with throwing up about every half an hour. I could not keep anything down and felt like crap the whole time. Luckily when that weekend was over I was able to get some medicine from the Dr. that made this sickness a bit more bearable. I still felt sick and nauseous all the time but I was throwing up alot less. Nothing ever sounded or tasted good I sort of just ate to keep something in my body. I lost about 14 pounds in all during this time. People kept telling me it will be done soon. So I was hoping at the end of 13 weeks it would stop because I heard it would just be the first trimester. Well 14 weeks came along and I was still a little miserable. It was about 16 weeks to the day that I started to feel much better. So for about 2 weeks now I have been actually enjoying my meals and keeping them down. I still get nauseous if I don't snack on something every hour or so. But it is so much better then before.
I am now at 18 weeks and 2 days. I am back to the weight that I was when I first got pregnant so that is good. 2 nights ago I went to bed at about 10:30 with a really bad pain in my back. I just thought is was sore because I am trying to get used to sleeping on my side. It continued to get worse but was traveling. At about 12:30AM I started to get worried because my chest had a sharp pain in it. My arms were achy and I had a major pounding in my head. I got on my phone and started looking on WebMD at the symptoms I was having because I was kinda nervous I was having a heart attack. So here I am sitting up in my bed balling my eyes out. When it hit me that it could be heart burn. I had never had heart burn before so I never know how horrible it was. After reading up on how to help heart burn I went down stairs for a glass on milk and it went away in about 20 minutes. Let just say the next day I had Matt get me some Tums so keep by my bed just in case.
It is crazy to me to think about how my body is making a baby inside of it. How many things it effects in my body. Like sickness and heartburn and making me tired all of the time. It is just so crazy to think about.
Now that I have told you all the things I have to complain about let me tell you how grateful I am. I have heard that you can not know a love that a parent can have for a child and my child is not even close to being here yet and I already love it so much. It is the greatest miracle that my best friend and I can make a little person together. I am so happy that Heavenly Father has blessed us to be able to start our family and to have this time together before the baby comes. Matt has been so so great. He does pretty much everything for me. He cooks cleans works and goes to school and much more. I can't even imagine what I would do without him. I feel so bad sometimes that I do pretty much nothing but I am so so grateful that I am able to come home from work and sit on the couch and relax when I get home instead of doing house chores. So thank you to my wonderful husband. He is going to be a really great DAD. The other day I told him I read that we need to start talking to the baby so he sat and talked to my stomach telling the baby all the fun things they were going to do when it gets here. Of course they were all really manly things and he called the baby a he even though we don't know what it is yet (we find out the 29th woo hoo).
All the crappy parts of pregnancy are going to be so worth it was this cute little thing comes to join our family!

Oh and PS. I am not putting pictures up yet cause my belly just looks like a fat roll right now so when it gets more shape to it I will put up some pictures.


  1. I have just been waiting to see more, glad you posted!
    The joys of pregnancy! Glad you are feeling better. It is a lot more fun to be pregnant when you don't feel like crap! I am excited for you guys to find out what you are having, its super exciting!

  2. Courtney, if the heartburn continues, you have got to go buy some Prilosec OTC. It works wonders! You just swallow one little pill in the morning and it takes care of it all day. I was very glad to discover it after throwing up after each tums I would take. Good luck!
