Monday, November 29, 2010

And the Winner Is...

We are having a Boy! We got to see our little guy this morning in an ultrasound. It was so great to be able to see that everything looks good and heathy. He already has the cutest little body. I especially liked seeing his little hands and feet.

We had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks to my Aunt Pam for inviting us over. We alway love spending time at the Hicks home with everyone. We had fun making a Thanksgiving theme cheese ball. I have so much to be thankful for!
It has been so cold here. Below are some pictures of us in the snow. The other day I had to park at the bottom of Capital Hill by the temple and walk up the hill because my car would not make it up the snow covered hill. And Matt has been so so great about waking up early and shoveling the walks.

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