One day last April Matt received a call from his dad. He told Matt that he thinks he found Matt's birth mom on Facebook. They new her maiden name and luckily she had put her full name on her Facebook page. After a few messages back and forth they came to the conclusion that she was who they were looking for. Since then they have had many long phone conversations getting to know each other.
Last week we took a quick trip to Southern California. The main reason that we went was so that we could meet Denise (Matt's birth mom). It was really fun to spend a few days with her and get to know her better. We are looking forward to getting to know her better in the coming years. She took us to this cool restaurant in Malibu and also took us to Santa Monica.
We then met up with my family in Santa Monica.
Friday we went to Disneyland Yay. This trip was a bit different then my passed trips to Disneyland because there were a few rides I was not able to go on because of being pregnant and I spent a lot of time sitting on a bench not feeling really great. But its ok I was just happy to be there. Halloween time is the best time to go to Disneyland with the fun decorations. The happy atmosphere at Disneyland it enough for me.

Yay for a Disney Halloween!

Yummy food. And yes Noah's cotton candy is glowing.

They have a new water/light show in California Adventure and It was so so cool. I am so glad we went and waited. It was for sure worth it. I loved the whole thing. This picture was taken while we were waiting for the show.
Then this one was at the end of the show. I know you can not see our faces but you can kinda see some of the colorful water things in the back ground.

Then the last day was beach day. We started the day with a little breakfast at Ruby's. And then spent most of the day at the beach.
My mom has all the other pictures on her camera so this is all you get. But that night after the beach we went to a mall. The mall has a Vans Skate Park in it so while Camden spent his time there skating we all go to shop. It was a great get away. I always love vacations even if I am a little sick. It is always fun to spend time with the fam.
Tomorrow we are leaving for St. George. Matt is running the marathon there on Saturday so I will try and update you soon. Until then bye!