Sunday, March 4, 2012

10 Months

On Feb. 20th our little man was 10 months old.
I seriously can not believe that I have a baby who
is 1 1/2 months away from being 1 year old.

He it learning and growing faster then ever!

Milo's stats at 10 months were
Ht: 2'4.43" (36.79%)
Head: 45.2cm (17.8%)
Wt: 17lb 4.7oz (2.69%)

So as you can see from his stats he is a skinny little man.
The doctors are not worried because he is still going up
on his charts but they did tell us we should start feeding
him things that are high in calories like whipping cream in
his formula and liquid margarine in his baby food.

Here are some new things he has learned this month.
-eating more solid food (he is starting to not be really interested in baby food)
-he loves exploring new places and things
-he does not like to sit still ever until he is really really tired
-loves bath time
-babble and talks a lot but no actual words yet
-he thinks he is very cool when we walks around holding things in both hands
-he has started drinking from a sippy cup
-he knows what NO means and he knows what he is not supposed to do but
usually tries to get into stuff that he is not supposed to when we are not looking

That is all I can think of right now but I am sure there is more. We love him
so much he is so fun at this age just watching him learn and laugh and have
so much fun!

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