Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We do not love apartment shopping

So this is a really lame blog post but people always say I don't post enough. I tell them that I have nothing exciting to post about. So this is for those of you who what to know what is going on in our lives even if it is really not interesting. So we are trying to move closer to Salt Lake because we both work in downtown and Matt will be going to the University of Utah. We have looked at so many places and my eyes are so sick of looking for rent signs on the side of the road. We have just not found the perfect place yet. So the search is still on. If anyone knows of any awesome place to live let me know! I will let you know when the search is finally over but for now it still lives on. :(


  1. Have you tried looking at Craigs list yet? A lot of people will put for rent stuff up on it. Good luck!

  2. Ummm- to prove how little you blog... since when do you work downtown? THAT would be something worth blogging about?

  3. haha well if you go back to January the first post of the month in January is about my new job in Salt Lake. I tranfered hotels when I got my new job.
